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Church of San Giovanni Crisostomo

Arco S. Giovanni 1 - 6010 - 70122
8.00 Liturgy in the Byzantine rite greek Holidays 9.30
Owner Byzantine Katepano Poto Argiro
Beginning of construction 1032
Current use Church
Every Sunday at 930am in the 11th century church of San Giovanni Crisostomo, Arco San Giovanni 1, a Catholic mass is held following a Byzantine ritual. This ceremony bears witness to the strong links which Bari still keeps with its past. In one of the four chronicles on the removal of the relics of San Nicola, The Russian Legend of Kiev, reference is made to the church of San Giovanni “Prodromos” next to the sea as the first place where the remains were stored. It is more likely that the church in question was that of San Giovanni Crisostomo. This church, like so many others in the old town, was the victim of devastating neoRomanesque restoration carried out during the 1960s, which cancelled out layers of history. Indeed, the façade has a cold, artificial appearance which is badly suited to its ancient past. The restoration work wiped out the original colour, a result of the passage of time on its symmetrical, perfectly chiselled ashlar; the Renaissance portal has today been incorporated within an anonymous and artificially enlarged entrance. However, the most serious damage is evident inside; the 18th century nave covering, lateral arches, barrel vault, Baroque giltwood altars, 16th and 17th century paintings and most of the ecclesiastical decor have all disappeared. Several years ago, traces of the church's Romanesque period (11th and 12th century) came to light, such as a marble pluteus with etchings of the tree of life between a winged lion and a gryphon devouring a goat and a boar.
Beginning of construction 1032
Owner Byzantine Katepano Poto Argiro
The foundation of the church can be traced back to 1032, the year in which Poto Argiro, the Byzantine Katepano, oversaw its construction in a “puteum Greci” (Greek pit) area, outside the city walls. In 1091 it was sold by a certain Passaro, along with its adjacent land, to Archbishop Elia (who also supervised the construction of the San Nicola church crypt). The theologian Beatillo wrote that that the church was donated by Ruggero II to the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Cava dei Tirreni; in actual fact, betwen the 15th and 16th century it appears to have been in the property of the Alifio family. In 1957, bishop Enrico Nicodemo established the Byzantine ritual parish, entrusting it to the local Greek Orthodox community of around 200 who built a multi-coloured wooden iconostasis, donating Eastern liturgical decorations to the church. The six paintings (Immacolata with Litany Scenes by A. Bordone; The Vision Of Ignazio of Loyola; The Discovery of The Body of San Francesco Saverio; The Death of the Virgin; The Death of San Giuseppe; The Birth of San Giovanni Battista) are now stored at Bari University.
The history of this monument is linked to the affairs of the families of Calò Carducci (formerly owners of the building of the same name in Piazza del Gesù) and Tresca Carducci (subsequently extinct), among the oldest and most illustrious in the city.
Evidence of this was the coat of arms with an inscription set on a tombstone opposite the altar; this was destroyed in the explosion of a ship on 9th April 1945.
In the middle of the nave, a trapdoor entrance leads to an underground area where the remains of Cesare Calò Carducci of the Sovereign Order of Malta were buried, the last surviving member of the family to be buried within the city. On the left wall, a plaque recalls the sad episode of Cecilia Carducci, who died at only 34 on the 24th June 1709 while giving birth to her son Giuseppe. The patronage of the monument on the part of the Calò Carducci family ended in 1955.

How do I reach downtown?
airport Airport  

From Viale Enzo Ferrari continue in the direction of Strada Provinciale 204 / Viale Gabriele d'Annunzio / SP204.
Take Viale Europa, SS16, Via Napoli and Corso Vittorio Veneto in the direction of Via Venice to Bari.
Follow Via Venezia and Largo Papa Urbano II to Piazza S. Nicola.

motorway Toll road  

From the toll booth at Bari Sud of the Autostrada A14,
Take E843, Viale Giuseppe Tatarella, the underpass Sottopassaggio Giuseppe Filippo, Via Brigata Regina.
Continue on Corso Antonio de Tullio in the direction of Via Venezia to Bari.
Follow Via Venezia and Largo Papa Urbano II to Piazza S. Nicola.

other Public Transport  

AMTAB A bus lines (rest area in Piazza Massari) #2, #10, #12/, and #35 stop near Largo Abate Elia.

park Parking lots  

Lungomare Imperatore Augusto-Area Parcheggio Museo Archeologico

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