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Piazza Ferrarese

Piazza del Ferrarese - 6010 - 70122
Beginning of construction XVII century
Current use Square
Piazza Ferrarese was named after a merchant from Ferrara, Stefano Fabri or Fabbro, who was the owner of several buildings in the square and that in the seventeenth century moved to Bari and left his mark by building the loggia of the Palazzo del Sedile.
Opposite the old port and overlooking the Augusto Imperatore seafront is the square. It is flanked on the right by the former Fish Market, built in 1840, and the access ramp to Via Venezia, while on the left by the current Sala Murat which used to be a food store, and the apse of the Vallisa church. At the back of the square there is the Starita palace, built on the ruins of an ancient arsenal.
Piazza Ferrarese has always been one of the access points to the old town which, with its narrow streets, alleys and small openings, extends from Piazza Ferrarese - Piazza Mercantile up to the Normanno -Svevo castle.
During recent restoration, which involved not only the square but also the surrounding buildings, a short stretch of the ancient Via Appia – Traiana came to light, built by the Romans in the early second century A.D.
Nowadays the square is filled with very busy bars and restaurants and, together with Piazza Mercantile, has become a must for those enjoying Bari’s nightlife. Charming and romantic evening views of the brightly lit seafront can be enjoyed from the square and the access ramp to Via Venezia.
It is the perfect place to hold concerts, artistic performances and especially the majestic illuminations that accompany the festival which honours of the patron saint of Bari, San Nicola.
Beginning of construction XVII century
Piazza Ferrarese, which takes its name from a merchant from Ferrara, Stefano Fabri or Fabbro, was a southern extension of piazza Mercantile and played an important role in liaising with the Porta Nuova (or Porta di Mare or of Lecce or Australe), opened in 1612 to facilitate the entrance of goods coming from the port. The nearby Piazza Mercantile had been since the middle ages the main place for commerce and trade. The Porta Nuova, which according to Giulio Petroni was designed by the engineer P. Castiglione, one of two doors to the city opened in the walls, had entablatures containing four circles, each with the pictures of Iapige, Barione, a Roman coin (the symbol of Bari) and an inscription by King Filippo III.
Like many other parts of the old town piazza Ferrarese has been subject to renovations which reflect the changing perception of the concept of urban space and restoration work. The most recent restoration work has left the piazza as we see it today: bright and airy but above all buzzing with life.
In documents from the seventeenth century, Piazza Ferrarese is also mentioned as the piazzetta d’armi (arms square), because of the presence of the national guard. In 1813, when the first stone of urban expansion was laid right outside Porta Nuova, Piazza del Ferrarese became the only connection between the old and new city, providing a continuous link through Via del Mare (now Corso Cavour). With the 1817 demolition of Porta del Mare and the authorization in 1819 to knock down the city walls, the square could be extended to the south and was equipped to accommodate the market. The blacksmiths, which by long tradition concentrated in the square, were forced to sell their shops and move their businesses to more remote areas of the town.
It is now tradition that the altar with the effigy of St. Nicholas is set up in piazza Ferrarese among the arabesques of imaginative light displays that illuminate the square throughout the night and where pilgrims from near and far go to pay homage and beg for miracles. It is the devotees who traditionally come to our city for the occasion, now familiarly called ' ziazì' or aunt and uncle, that become testimony to the power of the Holy Saint who is capable of uniting the people of Bari and pilgrims in a community of devotees.
People from Bari know that on the occasion of the feast of St. Nicholas on the 8th and 9th of May, the mole of Sant ' Antonio is the place where fireworks are set off, lighting up the seafront with their picturesque colors. The statue of the saint arrives slowly on a boat from the sea and makes its way to Piazza Ferrarese.

How do I reach downtown?
airport Airport  

From Viale Enzo Ferrari, continue in the direction of Strada Provinciale 204 / Viale Gabriele d'Annunzio / SP204.
Take Viale Europa, SS16, Via Napoli and Corso Vittorio Veneto in the direction of Piazza Mercantile in Bari.
Continue along Lungomare Augusto Imperatore. Piazza Ferrarese is on the right.
Walk towards Piazza Mercantile

motorway Toll road  

From the toll booth at Bari Sud of the Autostrada A14,
Take E843, Viale Giuseppe Tatarella, the underpass Sottopassaggio Giuseppe Filippo, Via Brigata Regina
Continue along Lungomare Augusto Imperatore in the direction of Piazza Mercantile in Bari.
Piazza Ferrarese is on the right.
Walk towards Piazza Mercantile

other Public Transport  

AMTAB bus lines #2, #4, #10, #12, #12/, #21, and #35 stop near Piazza Ferrarese (continue on foot to Piazza Mercantile)

park Parking lots  

Lungomare Imperatore Augusto-Corso Vittorio Emanuele

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